

Install JRE/JDK

If you have not already installed a Java runtime environment, please see the following article for a complete set of installation instructions for installing the Oracle JDK.

WiringPi Native Library

Pi4J depends on the WiringPi native library by Gordon Henderson. Please see the following page for more information on WiringPi.

No installation is required for Wiring Pi. Wiring Pi is embedded in the Pi4J native library.


Install Pi4J

Download a copy of the latest Pi4J Debian/Raspian installer package (.deb) file. You can use the following command on the Raspberry Pi's console to download the latest pi4j.jar build:

NOTE: If you have a previous version of Pi4J installed, please uninstall it first.

Once downloaded, use the following command to perform the installation:
sudo dpkg -i pi4j-0.0.4.deb

This will install the Pi4J libraries and example source files to:

When attempting to compile a Java program using the Pi4J libraries, make sure to include the Pi4J lib folder in the classpath:
javac -classpath .:classes:/opt/pi4j/lib/'*' ...

When attempting to start a Java program using the Pi4J libraries, make sure to include the Pi4J lib folder in the classpath:
sudo java -classpath .:classes:/opt/pi4j/lib/'*' ...

If you would like to explore the examples, you can compile all the examples with the following commands:
cd /opt/pi4j/examples

Uninstall Pi4J

To uninstall Pi4J from your Raspberry Pi, use the following command:
sudo dpkg -r pi4j