Module com.pi4j.crowpi
Package com.pi4j.crowpi.components
package com.pi4j.crowpi.components
ClassDescriptionImplementation of the CrowPi buttons using GPIO with Pi4JAll available states reported by the button component.Implementation of the CrowPi button matrix using GPIO with Pi4JImplementation of the CrowPi buzzer using PWM with Pi4JThis example demonstrates the temperature and humidity component on the CrowPi.Implementation of the CrowPi IR receiver /not/ using GPIO with Pi4JEnumeration which represents all known keycodes for the bundled CrowPi IR remoteCustom interface as an alternative to the Java native
interface.Functional interface for a poller process factory which creates newIrReceiverComponent.PollerProcess
instances on demand.This class provides a simple usage of a LCD Display with Pi4J and the CrowPi.Enumeration with most important and used symbols.Implementation of the CrowPi LED matrix using SPI with Pi4JSpecifies which mode should be used while scrolling the LED matrix.Mapping of various symbols to their respective 8x8 encoding.Implementation of the CrowPi light sensor using I2C with Pi4JImplementation of the CrowPi PIR motion sensor using GPIO with Pi4JAll available states reported by the PIR motion sensor component.Implementation of the CrowPi Relay using GPIO with Pi4JImplementation of the CrowPi RFID component using SPI with Pi4JImplementation of the CrowPi Servo Motor using PWM with Pi4JImplementation of the CrowPi seven-segment display using I2C with Pi4JMapping of segments to their respective bit according to the HT16K33.Implementation of the CrowPi sound sensor using GPIO with Pi4JAll available states reported by the sound sensor component.Implementation of the CrowPi Step Motor using GPIO with Pi4JImplementation of the CrowPi tilt sensor using GPIO with Pi4JAll available states reported by the tilt sensor component.Implementation of the CrowPi touch sensor using GPIO with Pi4JAll available states reported by the touch sensor component.Implementation of the CrowPi ultrasonic distance sensor (HC-SR04) using GPIO with Pi4JImplementation of the CrowPi vibration motor using GPIO with Pi4J