Pi4J with Kotlin

Java and Kotlin: Similarities and Differences

As a software developer, you may be familiar with Java and Kotlin, two popular programming languages used for developing applications on many different platforms. While both languages share some similarities, they also have distinct differences that can impact your coding experience.

One of the main similarities between Java and Kotlin is their ability to run on the Raspberry Pi. Both languages are supported by the Pi4J library, which provides a set of APIs for interacting with the GPIOs. This means you can use either language to develop applications that control and interact with the Raspberry Pi’s hardware components.

Kotlin DSL: Simplifying Development

Kotlin stands out from Java due to its Domain Specific Language (DSL) capabilities. The Pi4J-Kotlin library provides a set of DSLs that simplify the development process by providing cleaner, easier-to-read APIs. These DSLs are inlined at compile-time, eliminating any runtime overhead.

Kotlin Examples

Thanks to the examples created by Oleksandr Neiko, a full set of Pi4J + Kotlin examples are available.

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