Featured Projects

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  • Binary Clock
  • This project by Tom Aarts (published on May 15, 2024), is a binary clock created with LEDs on a breadboard. In the video below you see it incrementing to the next minute and hour. What you see is the Hour Minute and Second displayed in BCD (Binary Coded Decimal):

    Design document describing the LED PCF8575 connections, and the Java implementation that drives the clock LEDs. Note: there are two PCF8575 IC used in this design. This IC is used as it can provide the current flow to directly control the LED. Alternative IC like the MCP23017 with less current capability would require a NPN transistor in the circuit.

  • Soft real time PLC
  • Strolch is a framework for developing Software which has a different approach compared to Spring and other similar types of Java frameworks, as the model is defined as an abstract model, where you always have the same three types of objects: Resources, Orders and Activities. The fields are mapped as Parameter objects, of which the important primitives are available.