Before proceeding with this example, make sure that you have a Raspberry Pi prepared to execute Java code with JBang as explained here.
The following example is based on the “Minimal example application”, and uses the same wiring with a button and LED. By using JBang we can run this project with a single file without the need of a full Maven or Gradle project, or compiling the Java code.
Create a new file with the following content:
///usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $?
//DEPS org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.35
//DEPS org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.35
//DEPS com.pi4j:pi4j-core:2.3.0
//DEPS com.pi4j:pi4j-plugin-raspberrypi:2.3.0
//DEPS com.pi4j:pi4j-plugin-pigpio:2.3.0
import com.pi4j.Pi4J;
import com.pi4j.util.Console;
public class Pi4JMinimalExample {
// Connect a button to PIN 18 = BCM 24
private static final int PIN_BUTTON = 24;
// Connect a LED to PIN 15 = BCM 22
private static final int PIN_LED = 22;
private static int pressCount = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final var console = new Console();
var pi4j = Pi4J.newAutoContext();
var ledConfig = DigitalOutput.newConfigBuilder(pi4j)
.name("LED Flasher")
var led = pi4j.create(ledConfig);
var buttonConfig = DigitalInput.newConfigBuilder(pi4j)
.name("Press button")
var button = pi4j.create(buttonConfig);
button.addListener(e -> {
if (e.state() == DigitalState.LOW) {
console.println("Button was pressed for the " + pressCount + "th time");
while (pressCount < 5) {
if (led.equals(DigitalState.HIGH)) {
console.println("LED low");
} else {
console.println("LED high");
Thread.sleep(500 / (pressCount + 1));
Because this example uses the PiGpio plugin, we need to execute it with sudo
Without the need of any further configuration, installation, dependency download, or compiling, we should now be able to run this code with:
$ sudo `which jbang`
Downloading JDK 11. Be patient, this can take several minutes...
[main] INFO com.pi4j.Pi4J - New auto context
[main] INFO com.pi4j.Pi4J - New context builder
[main] INFO com.pi4j.platform.impl.DefaultRuntimePlatforms - adding platform to managed platform map [id=raspberrypi; name=RaspberryPi Platform; priority=5; class=com.pi4j.plugin.raspberrypi.platform.RaspberryPiPlatform]
[main] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - LED high
[main] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - LED low
[main] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - LED low
[Thread-0] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - Button was pressed for the 1th time
[main] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - LED high
[main] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - LED low
[main] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - LED high
[Thread-2] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - Button was pressed for the 2th time
[main] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - LED low
[main] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - LED high
[main] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - LED high
[main] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - LED low
[Thread-8] INFO com.pi4j.util.Console - Button was pressed for the 5th time
With JBang we can have a single-source Java file that can be executed without the need for a full Maven or Gradle project. And we don’t even need to compile anything!
JBang is a great way to simply run Java-files, helps you to quickly get started with Pi4J on the Raspberry Pi, and can be the ideal getting-started method to experiment with electronics and Java.