On this page we want to keep a list of projects which contain implementation code for specific devices using the Pi4J V2+ core library. Please let us know via Pi4J Discussions if you want to have your project added to this list.
Device(s) | Developed by | Link |
1602A LCD HD44780U | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
1602A_LCD_PCF8574A I2C Controller | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
1602A LCD MCP23017 I2C Controller | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
ADS1256 24bit A-to-D | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
AT24c512 SEEPROM | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
BME280 Sensor Temperature and Pressure | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
BMP280 Temperature and Pressure Sensor | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
DAC8552 16bit DAC SPI connected | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
DHT22 Temp/Humidity sensor | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
IS31FL3731 matrix controller | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
MCP23008 drive and read chip GPIOs | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
MCP23008 and MCP23017 Pin monitoring | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
MCP23017 drive and read chip GPIOs | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
MCP3008 A/D 10bit converter | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
MCP4725 12 bit DAC | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
MPL3115A2 Altitude | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
NeoPixel LED strip | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
RotaryEncoder5880 | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
SN74HC595 8 Bit shift register | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
SSD1306 OLED Display | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
TCA9548 (1x8 I2C switch) | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |
VL53L0X TimeOfFlight device | Thomas Aarts | github.com/Pi4J/pi4j-example-devices |