PiGpio Provider

The current implementation of the PiGpio exposes the GPIO functions available on the Raspberry Pi (see Note Pi5 below). This implementation is developed/supported by a team separate of Pi4j. Pi4j is a consumer of that PiGpio work.

Pi5  At the present time the PiGpio implementation does not support the new Pi5 board. 
- This new Pi5 RP1 chip will require a large development effort. There is no known plan for this develoment.   

Providers in the PiGpio plugin:

  • pigpio-digital-input
  • pigpio-digital-output
  • pigpio-pwm
  • pigpio-i2c
  • pigpio-spi
  • pigpio-serial

Applications which use the PiGpio Provider, need to be started with sudo to be able to interface with the GPIOs.

When you don’t use sudo, you’ll see an error like this:

WARN com.pi4j.library.pigpio.impl.PiGpioNativeImpl 
    - PIGPIO ERROR: PI_INIT_FAILED; pigpio initialisation failed

To use the PiGpio provider include the following dependencies:
