GpioD Provider

The GpioD plugin provider was added in Pi4J 2.5.0 to be able to support the Raspberry Pi 5 with the new GPIO chip RP1.

Providers in the GpioD plugin:

  • gpiod-digital-input
  • gpiod-digital-output

The GpioD provider requires minimum kernel Bullseye 6.1.21 and Bookworm 6.6.22 !

If you get an error at startup with the following content, your OS is outdated for the GpioD implementation used in Pi4J:

UNDERLYING EXCEPTION: [java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError]=/tmp/ /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by /tmp/

To use the GpioD provider include the following dependencies:
