Digital Input (GPIO)

Similar to a digital output pin, a digital input translates an input value of 0V or 3.3V to the value false/true. This means any type of device which can toggle between 3.3V and 0V, can generate an input value to the Raspberry Pi. Here the most basic example is a toggle button. If you use other components, always check which is the voltage provided by the device. Or if you use a power pin from the Raspberry Pi itself, to use a 3.3V pin and not a 5V pin.

V2+ provides a declarative style of configuration for I/O provisioning instead of the hard-coded approach offered in V1.

The following example shows the minimal code to configure the DIGITAL_INPUT_PIN
as an input pin and monitor the pin state with by adding a Listener. The code uses methods which are provided by the Pi4J library. This implementation will operate with a Pi4j default Provider. The default Provider is not a concrete implementation and therefore running this program will not access the GPIO Hardware and the Hardware state will not be read/monitored. To access the Hardware a concrete Provider is required. See Providers

Examples of the various methods and approaches which can be used to provision the I/O needs are available in the examples project.

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("id", "my_digital_input");
properties.put("address", DIGITAL_INPUT_PIN);
properties.put("pull", "UP");
properties.put("name", "MY-DIGITAL-INPUT");

var config = DigitalInput.newConfigBuilder(pi4j)

var input = pi4j.din().create(config);

s Once an input has been initialized, a listener can be attached to execute code on state changes of the input.

input.addListener(e -> {
    if (e.state() == DigitalState.HIGH) {
        console.println("Button is pressed");