Creating a Pi4J Context

The context is an immutable runtime object that holds the configured state and manages the lifecycle of a Pi4J instance. It includes all loaded plugins, providers, platforms, I/O instance registry, environmental configuration and runtime objects including executor thread pools, I/O event listeners, etc.

Terminating/destroying the context stops and releases all resources, threads, listeners, and provisioned I/O instances held by the context.

Version 1 was implemented using a static singleton, while version 2 uses a “Context” to avoid static singletons.

Creating a Context

A Pi4J Context can be created automatically (accepting all default context configurations) or manually (builder) allowing users to customize the context configuration.


An auto context includes AUTO-DETECT BINDINGS enabled which will load all detected Pi4J extension libraries (Platforms and Providers) in the class path. Note: Starting with 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT the Mock providers are not loaded. If the Mock providers are required see Alternate Context Creation With Mock Providers.

var pi4j = Pi4J.newAutoContext();


If you need more flexibility are specific use-cases, the builder can be used to define all the parameters of the context, for example when you want to use your own providers, use mocked instances for testing…:

Context pi4j = Pi4J.newContextBuilder()
   .add(new MockPlatform())
   .add(new MyCustomADCProvider(/* implements AnalogInputProvider, id="my-adc-prov" */))
   .add(new MyCustomSPIProvider(/* implements SpiProvider, id="my-spi-prov" */))

Alternate Context Creation With Mock Providers

The following code example will create a Context containing all the Mock Providers and Platform.

Context pi4j =   Pi4J.newContextBuilder().autoDetectMockPlugins().autoDetectPlatforms().build();

More information

Use a single Context instance

A single Context instance must be created in your application and shared between the classes. A Context object contains all the runtime and management state of the I/O. If you would use multiple Context objects and attempt to reuse certain I/O hardware or I/O providers it’s possible that they could conflict or get out of sync.

Get GPIO handlers from the Context

The Context maintains a reference to each I/O instance created, until pi4j.shutdown() is called.

Somewhere you will need to create() your I/O instance giving it a unique ID (String). If you try to call create() a second time with the same ID, you will get an IOAlreadyExistsException.

pi4j.digitalOutput().create(1, "my-gpio");

Elsewhere in your application, you can get access to existing I/O instances using the Context’s io() or getIO() methods.

if (pi4j.hasIO("my-gpio")) {  
    DigitalOutput myOutput ="my-gpio");

Additional methods to access the registered I/O instances can be obtained through the Registry class.
