Interface GpioPinDigitalInput

    • Method Detail

      • hasDebounce

        boolean hasDebounce​(PinState state)
        Determines if a debounce delay interval has been configured for the given pin state.
        state - the pin state to test for debounce delay.
        'true' if the specified ping state has been configured with a debounce delay; else return 'false'.
      • getDebounce

        int getDebounce​(PinState state)
        Gets the configured debounce delay interval (in milliseconds) for the given pin state.
        state - the pin state to get the configured debounce delay interval.
        the debounce delay interval (in milliseconds) for the specified pin state.
      • setDebounce

        void setDebounce​(int debounce)
        Sets the debounce delay interval (in milliseconds) for all pin states.
        debounce - The debounce delay interval in milliseconds.
      • setDebounce

        void setDebounce​(int debounce,
                         PinState... state)
        Sets the debounce delay interval (in milliseconds) for the specified pin state.
        debounce - The debounce delay interval in milliseconds.
        state - The pin states to apply the debounce delay interval to.