Class I2CDeviceImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class I2CDeviceImpl
    extends Object
    implements I2CDevice
    Implementation of i2c device. This class only holds reference to i2c bus (so it can use its handle) and device address.
    Daniel Sendula, refactored by RasPelikan
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      I2CDeviceImpl​(I2CBusImpl bus, int address)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getAddress()  
      void ioctl​(long command, int value)
      Runs an ioctl on this device.
      void ioctl​(long command, ByteBuffer data, IntBuffer offsets)
      Runs an ioctl on this device.
      protected String makeDescription()
      This helper method creates a string describing bus file name and device address (in hex).
      protected String makeDescription​(int address)
      This helper method creates a string describing bus file name, device address (in hex) and local i2c address.
      int read()
      This method reads one byte from the i2c device.
      int read​(byte[] data, int offset, int size)
      This method reads bytes from the i2c device to given buffer at asked offset.
      int read​(byte[] writeData, int writeOffset, int writeSize, byte[] readData, int readOffset, int readSize)
      This method writes and reads bytes to/from the i2c device in a single method call
      int read​(int address)
      This method reads one byte from the i2c device.
      int read​(int address, byte[] data, int offset, int size)
      This method reads bytes from the i2c device to given buffer at asked offset.
      void write​(byte data)
      This method writes one byte to i2c device.
      void write​(byte[] buffer)
      This method writes all bytes included in the given buffer directly to the i2c device.
      void write​(byte[] data, int offset, int size)
      This method writes several bytes to the i2c device from given buffer at given offset.
      void write​(int address, byte data)
      This method writes one byte to i2c device.
      void write​(int address, byte[] buffer)
      This method writes all bytes included in the given buffer directory to the register address on the i2c device
      void write​(int address, byte[] data, int offset, int size)
      This method writes several bytes to the i2c device from given buffer at given offset.
    • Constructor Detail

      • I2CDeviceImpl

        public I2CDeviceImpl​(I2CBusImpl bus,
                             int address)
        bus - i2c bus
        address - i2c device address
    • Method Detail

      • getAddress

        public int getAddress()
        Specified by:
        getAddress in interface I2CDevice
        The address for which this instance is constructed for.
      • write

        public void write​(byte data)
                   throws IOException
        This method writes one byte to i2c device.
        Specified by:
        write in interface I2CDevice
        data - byte to be written
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be written to the i2c device or i2c bus
      • write

        public void write​(byte[] data,
                          int offset,
                          int size)
                   throws IOException
        This method writes several bytes to the i2c device from given buffer at given offset.
        Specified by:
        write in interface I2CDevice
        data - buffer of data to be written to the i2c device in one go
        offset - offset in buffer
        size - number of bytes to be written
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be written to the i2c device or i2c bus
      • write

        public void write​(byte[] buffer)
                   throws IOException
        This method writes all bytes included in the given buffer directly to the i2c device.
        Specified by:
        write in interface I2CDevice
        buffer - buffer of data to be written to the i2c device in one go
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be written to the i2c device or i2c bus
      • write

        public void write​(int address,
                          byte data)
                   throws IOException
        This method writes one byte to i2c device.
        Specified by:
        write in interface I2CDevice
        address - local address in the i2c device
        data - byte to be written
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be written to the i2c device or i2c bus
      • write

        public void write​(int address,
                          byte[] data,
                          int offset,
                          int size)
                   throws IOException
        This method writes several bytes to the i2c device from given buffer at given offset.
        Specified by:
        write in interface I2CDevice
        address - local address in the i2c device
        data - buffer of data to be written to the i2c device in one go
        offset - offset in buffer
        size - number of bytes to be written
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be written to the i2c device or i2c bus
      • write

        public void write​(int address,
                          byte[] buffer)
                   throws IOException
        This method writes all bytes included in the given buffer directory to the register address on the i2c device
        Specified by:
        write in interface I2CDevice
        address - local address in the i2c device
        buffer - buffer of data to be written to the i2c device in one go
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be written to the i2c device or i2c bus
      • read

        public int read()
                 throws IOException
        This method reads one byte from the i2c device. Result is between 0 and 255 if read operation was successful, else a negative number for an error.
        Specified by:
        read in interface I2CDevice
        byte value read: positive number (or zero) to 255 if read was successful. Negative number if reading failed.
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be read from the i2c device or i2c bus
      • read

        public int read​(byte[] data,
                        int offset,
                        int size)
                 throws IOException

        This method reads bytes from the i2c device to given buffer at asked offset.

        Note: Current implementation calls read(int). That means for each read byte i2c bus will send (next) address to i2c device.

        Specified by:
        read in interface I2CDevice
        data - buffer of data to be read from the i2c device in one go
        offset - offset in buffer
        size - number of bytes to be read
        number of bytes read
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be read from the i2c device or i2c bus
      • read

        public int read​(int address)
                 throws IOException
        This method reads one byte from the i2c device. Result is between 0 and 255 if read operation was successful, else a negative number for an error.
        Specified by:
        read in interface I2CDevice
        address - local address in the i2c device
        byte value read: positive number (or zero) to 255 if read was successful. Negative number if reading failed.
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be read from the i2c device or i2c bus
      • read

        public int read​(int address,
                        byte[] data,
                        int offset,
                        int size)
                 throws IOException

        This method reads bytes from the i2c device to given buffer at asked offset.

        Note: Current implementation calls read(int). That means for each read byte i2c bus will send (next) address to i2c device.

        Specified by:
        read in interface I2CDevice
        address - local address in the i2c device
        data - buffer of data to be read from the i2c device in one go
        offset - offset in buffer
        size - number of bytes to be read
        number of bytes read
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be read from the i2c device or i2c bus
      • read

        public int read​(byte[] writeData,
                        int writeOffset,
                        int writeSize,
                        byte[] readData,
                        int readOffset,
                        int readSize)
                 throws IOException
        This method writes and reads bytes to/from the i2c device in a single method call
        Specified by:
        read in interface I2CDevice
        writeData - buffer of data to be written to the i2c device in one go
        writeOffset - offset in write buffer
        writeSize - number of bytes to be written from buffer
        readData - buffer of data to be read from the i2c device in one go
        readOffset - offset in read buffer
        readSize - number of bytes to be read
        number of bytes read
        IOException - thrown in case byte cannot be read from the i2c device or i2c bus
      • makeDescription

        protected String makeDescription()
        This helper method creates a string describing bus file name and device address (in hex).
        string with all details
      • makeDescription

        protected String makeDescription​(int address)
        This helper method creates a string describing bus file name, device address (in hex) and local i2c address.
        address - local address in i2c device
        string with all details